The animation major in the Department of Design at Tokyo Zokei University was founded in 2003.
Our goal is to help students find their own distinctive way of expressing themselves and reflect this into their works through our multifaceted and unique 4-year program. To achieve this goal, our program combines basic animation skills (croquis drawings, moving images, stereo images, and 3D computer graphics), with idea structure, planning and development, video editing, sound effect, visual design, and pantomime.
This website was created for you to enjoy viewing our "educational outcomes", and includes works produced by teachers and students since the founding of this major.
So anyone is able to view the history of our education on a permanent basis, we will enrich our recorded content too. As an archive, we will include class content, and the student journey to holding screening events, as well as the historical background behind the founding of the major.
We hope to share our future together with you, through Zokei Animation Archives (ZAA).
Tokyo Zokei University, Faculty of Zokei, Department of Design, Animation Major
September 2020

Message from the President of Tokyo Zokei University

Welcome to ZAA!
I would say this website is a treasure box filled with everything about Tokyo Zokei University’s animation major. You will find various art pieces that were created with all the energy and rich imagination of our students; the thrill of student life, with all its tears and laughter; enthusiastic teachers who love what they do; and a free and open-minded environment.
I hope you’ll enjoy your time on this website and discover the other treasures awaiting you.
Yasuyuki Yamagiwa,
President, Tokyo Zokei University